You can tell that you have read the rescue plan by filling in these details:

Suite, company, department or some other space

Sign offs

Location Date
Pateniemen polunpilkijat Jan 9, 2020
Ritaharju/Varpunen Nov 6, 2020
Ritaharju Jan 18, 2023
Ritaharju Jan 18, 2023
Tuiran kirkko Aug 21, 2023
PyhäTuomas Aug 30, 2023
Tuira Aug 31, 2023
koskelan srk-koti Aug 31, 2023
Ritaharjun seurakuntakoti Sep 3, 2023
Koskelan seurakuntakoti Sep 5, 2023
Tuiran kirkko Sep 7, 2023
koti Sep 7, 2023
Pyhän Tuomaan kko Sep 7, 2023
Varpune Sep 8, 2023
Ritaharjun seurakuntakoti Sep 14, 2023
etätyönä tiimikokouksessa 6.9. 2023 Sep 17, 2023
Tuiran srk Sep 26, 2023
Tuira Sep 29, 2023
Varpusen srk-koti Oct 3, 2023
Tuiran srk Oct 3, 2023
Tuiran kirkko Oct 5, 2023
Tuiran kko Oct 13, 2023
Etätyöpiste Oct 24, 2023
koti Nov 1, 2023
Tuiran kirkko Dec 4, 2023
Tuira Feb 17, 2024
etätyöpiste Aug 5, 2024